Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years Resolutions - 2013

New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back over the past year and more importantly, looking forward to the coming year.  It's a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and also resolve to follow through on those changes.

I heard today on Sunrise (or was it yesterday), that there is really no point in starting New Year's resolutions on January 1st...Why you ask? Because January is the month where we are still spending time with family and friends, socialising and having fun, especially in Southern Hemisphere where it is hot and all we like to do is hit the beach or the pool.

The recommendation is then; to start your New Year's resolutions in February and you will have a much better chance of sticking to them...

So this year I have created a list of 5 New Year’s Resolutions. (NYR). All very achievable, measureable

NYR No.1 - Start Project Life -I can tick this on off the list, as I created my first ever Project Life layout yesterday. You can take a peep below.

NYR No.2 - To make myself a better person, I guess change in a way..to be more caring, a better listener, smile and laugh more often, reach out to people. 

NYR No.3 - Yes, it's the old get fit routine. I mean it... I am going to buy a pedometer, and start walking more - aim to lose about 5kgs and get fitter, try and eat a little healthier.

NYR  No.4  - Clean out our garage, you might think, 'what sort of New Year's resolution is that!', but you haven't seen our garage.  Posting a picture, a before and after shot may be in order, just not today. 

NYR No.5 - Read more books... how many you ask? Well at least twelve books throughout the year.  (One a month)... Me, I once was an avid reader, however with the internet, iPhone, working, looking after house, scrapbooking, family, grandchildren, studying as well, my reading habit came to a grinding halt. This is sad, I love reading...and the twelve is achievable.

So what are your New Year's resolutions?

 First Project Life layout.
This is our grand daughter Maddison, visiting on the 23 Dec 12.