Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Week 1 - PL

Hello everyone,

I look at the name of this blog, "Birdy say something" and I say to myself, "well I'm trying too". Give me a break, but it gets me in the mood for writing and that can only be a good thing.

So here is my Project Life cover page for 2013.  Uploaded into the Project Life group on facebook and here of course. I have journalled from the heart on this one!  My hope is, is that our one wish for the year comes true; and that Ian gets the lung transplant he needs!

And of course I'm working on my 1st week, nearly finished now and I'm calling here "My week in review" That would be 1st Jan - 5 Jan 13, as I am a Monday to Sunday, project lifer!

Firstly, we said farewell to the in-laws who flew back to the Sunshine coast, a dinner as the club and then again dinner at our house the next night.  We will seem them again in March when Sarah get's married.

I bought myself a new printer. a Canon PIXMA MG5300, so far I'm happy with the quality of prints. This is so I can kick start my Project Life.

We played some mini golf this week, just Mason and Braedon.  Although it was very hard co-ordinating Mason with the golf club, manage my camera and my handbag and score at the same time.  I gave up scoring and told Braedon I would remember all the scores, which I think for the most part of I did.

Also Mason had a problem with his shorts, obviously put them on back to front, without tying the cord and they kept falling down. 

A simple question to a near 3 year old,
Nanna - "Mason, left me fix your shorts for you... they're falling down!....
Mason - "NO".. Nanna, I'm busy!" so I gave up in the end and he was quite happy to keep hitching them up.

What would the New Year be like without grabbing some bits and pieces in the sales,  so I did pick up some new lamps for the bedroom, a new quilt cover, a handbag, new pillows and of course the printer.

Most of the week, we have spent swimming in the pool, with the heat, it's been the best place to be, and cooking has been partly BBQ, salads and take away BBQ chickens.  Must admit my steaks were quite good, but the smoke from the BBQ wasn't.

We have played the Battleship game, Skip-Bo and and Uno to pass some of the time during the heat,  now I know it's not fair, (To Ian - hubby).. but I tend to win all the time. Next time I will try and lose..

Hmm, so what else this week in review.  Mum and I have worked ever so hard in the garden, weeding, and clearing up.  So a thanks to mum for all her help.

To cap it all off, must admit I'm proud of the way the pool is looking, pristine, clear and wonderful to swim in. 

P.S I am completely losing track of the days, today I said to Ian it was Saturday... ummm well it's actually Thursday..

Everyone, do have a faboulous weekend!

Friday, January 4, 2013

SMASH layout

Our little Tia - (Grand daughter) she is an angel this one. So gorgeous.  I love scrapping photos of her as she is such a sweet princes and so photogenic. Plus is a change from scrapping the three boys in the house.

One of my most recent creation is a layout scrapped in my SMASH Journal, I just started playing around with paint and ghesso and next thing I knew it was a layout.  First time I have scrapped in a journal. 

The 2nd page is similar in colours, however no photo. I didn't know I could actually draw a tree, so there you go.  Some paint, ghesso and a little embossing on the bird cage and love birds. A Prima flower, flower centre and cabochons, button, felt circles and punched birds. 

This is the lil angel, I was talking about above.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years Resolutions - 2013

New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back over the past year and more importantly, looking forward to the coming year.  It's a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and also resolve to follow through on those changes.

I heard today on Sunrise (or was it yesterday), that there is really no point in starting New Year's resolutions on January 1st...Why you ask? Because January is the month where we are still spending time with family and friends, socialising and having fun, especially in Southern Hemisphere where it is hot and all we like to do is hit the beach or the pool.

The recommendation is then; to start your New Year's resolutions in February and you will have a much better chance of sticking to them...

So this year I have created a list of 5 New Year’s Resolutions. (NYR). All very achievable, measureable

NYR No.1 - Start Project Life -I can tick this on off the list, as I created my first ever Project Life layout yesterday. You can take a peep below.

NYR No.2 - To make myself a better person, I guess change in a be more caring, a better listener, smile and laugh more often, reach out to people. 

NYR No.3 - Yes, it's the old get fit routine. I mean it... I am going to buy a pedometer, and start walking more - aim to lose about 5kgs and get fitter, try and eat a little healthier.

NYR  No.4  - Clean out our garage, you might think, 'what sort of New Year's resolution is that!', but you haven't seen our garage.  Posting a picture, a before and after shot may be in order, just not today. 

NYR No.5 - Read more books... how many you ask? Well at least twelve books throughout the year.  (One a month)... Me, I once was an avid reader, however with the internet, iPhone, working, looking after house, scrapbooking, family, grandchildren, studying as well, my reading habit came to a grinding halt. This is sad, I love reading...and the twelve is achievable.

So what are your New Year's resolutions?

 First Project Life layout.
This is our grand daughter Maddison, visiting on the 23 Dec 12.