Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bents Basin and the kiddies

Some pics Aimee took at Bents Basin this weekend. Just a spot of fishing, not that they would catch anything in Bents Basin  - its just really a swimming hole.  A big swimming hole that is and quite a nice spot.
I remember it quite well, going there with a group of kids when we were teenagers. We thought we could all swim across the Basin. hmmm Ok if your a strong swimmer, Not ME,  I nearly didn't make it and even now I remember how I felt struggling to get to the other side.   But I did make it across and I'm here to tell the story.. I haven't been back since.....

So this pic is of Kody and I think Aimee had the camera set on colour replace which can replace the main colour with another colour so she ended up with purple looking water. Looks quite effective.

Kody and Mason