Well finally sorted out the layout and got this thing working. I even put together a slide show of our trip to to Europe (which was about 2 years ago now). All these photos from this trip must be my favourites. It was wonderful travelling and seeing some of these awesome sites. I think it was the sheer pleasure of wonder and enjoyment on Braedon's face that makes them special, as I seemed to see things through his eyes as well.

It has been a trifle sad in this house today as BT (Braedon) was playing with my daughter's rabbit and just squeezed a little too hard. The poor thing died of shock or lack of air - not sure which. I couldn't believe it, and felt really bad for the rabbit, but how to explain this to a 3 and half year old (actually will be 4 in a couple of months). Should I let him watch me bury the rabbit or just pretend he has gone away. Decision was made I let Braedon help me wrap him up and dig a hole to bury the rabbit in. He took it well (I think). Still asks me what happened to the wabitt. Just thought I would add that the piccy is of the rabbit alive.....not after...
Well among setting up my blog today I also did achieve something around the house and that is pulling the christmas tree apart and packing it away. I have learnt a new trick and that is winding the lights up and sticking taping them in about three places So they never get tangled again. I haven't tackled the outside lights yet. Why is it so exciting putting everything up and such a pain in the ass chore pulling it all down..
I am on holidays for the rest of this week, however will go back Monday. Not so bad as I like my job, but it would be nice to have a month off or so. Hubby is in Canberra as he as already gone back to work.
Pressing publish now and hope it all works.
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