Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Music Sheet Paper

An interesting finding today -  an old book full of music sheet paper, perfectly aged and yellow for scrapbooking layouts.  A real bargain. Will use it in some of the store kits.

Some old family memorabilia

Staying at my Aunts today and she has passed on  all her old wedding cards - must be about 60 years -will post one every day until their all up.  Pllus during the war she was sent to Canada so I have all her tags and registration cards

This cute wedding gift card opens on both sides.

Friday, April 9, 2010

My First Digi Layout

I actually had a play with some digital elements this morning and this it was I came up with. Not so happy with the bottom of the layout but well it is my first after all.....

This is a free download from little dreamer designs


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Scraproom Makeover

Apart from eating yummy chocolate this weekend we have also been busy paint out my scrap storage room.
My room where we store all the scrap products is quite a large room but wth raw brick work which looks like this.
We are paintng it white so it will look something like this.  Bear in mind we need to do a second coat. But it makes it look so much brigher looking.

This room is filled with all my scrapping stuff, a treadmill, a freezer and the kids accumulated toys over the last 5 years.  Plus this the biggest table you ever did see.  Will post this table tomorrow.  Here is just a few pics from my scrap stuff.